020 7856 0156 / 020 3289 4899
We believe negligence requires accountability.
The ​
BGM Law has over 50 years of experience successfully representing injured people. We have helped thousands who have been injured physically or have experienced compromised mental health as a result of negligence in public places, businesses, and workplace environments.
Our expert team specialises in cases such as
Personal Injury
Medical Negligence
Compensation Claims
Business Dispute Claims
Personnel Dispute Claims
Professional Negligence
Flight Compensation
Energy Claims
If you need any guidance or representation for any of the above claims, do give us a call and let our BGM Law team assist you.
Current Grounds for Divorce
Divorce proceedings are started by filling a divorce petition at court. It’s the initial court document for applying for a divorce. You can’t file for a divorce until you’ve been married for at least one year.
Before filing, you also need to consider the grounds for divorce. These will need to be specified as part of the divorce process.